Public Domain JACK compiler

This public domain software is a sustainable economy project.
public domain

The Unofficial Jack Programming language


The Jack programming language1 is described in the book The Elements of Computing Systems8 and on the website www.nand2tetris.org7. There is a set of video3 on Youtube talking about it. This document is describing a Jack compiler written in Jack which outputs C code.
At the beginning it was itself bootstrapped with a simple Python3 Jack compiler.

Status of this document

This document is released into the public domain.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction[1] 1. Background[2] 2. Differences from the book[3] 2. Differences from VMEmulator[4] 2. Hello World![5] 3. Specification[6] 4. Classes[7] 5. Grammar[8]

1. Introduction

Elon Musk asks "is life a video game9" ?
In a blues song (the roots of Hard Rock), AC/DC says "she's got the Jack4" and "she's a dirty woman".
Could the roots of our Universe be coded in Jack programming language by our ancestors ?
Jack is easy to learn but it is designed to be yet useful.

1.1 Background

The Jack language was design for teaching the basis of computer construction.
the number of

1.2 Differences from the book

Differences from the original Jack specification are :
The range of decimal constant number and integer variable is unspecified. The size of the integer is at least the same size as the size of a memory address. (It could be from 8 to 512 bits).
The callback extension allows to call a `callback` method from a Callback object.
The inline assembly comment extension allows to insert target language code between `//#` and `/*# #*/` comments.
There is additional classes to allow interaction with the operating system (files and directories...).

1.3 Differences from VMEmulator

With the `-hack` option the public domain jack compiler is disabling these differences.
Differences from the official first edition of Hack Java VMEmulator are :
The `\` in strings literal does not escape `\` and `"`. The official JackCompiler does.
The `while` and `if` conditions are coherent. In the official JackCompiler the `while` condition is true if it is equal to -110, but the `if` condition is true if it is not equal to 0. The public domain jack compiler treats both conditions like the `if`.
The static and local variables are not initialized to 0 at start up. The VMEmulator seems to do it.

2. Hello world

Source code :
class Main {
function void main()
do Output.printString("Hello World!");
do Output.println();
With Debian or Ubuntu, you need to install a valid OpenGL development environment, using:
sudo apt install build-essential git libx11-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev 
Then clone this repository :
git clone 
Build the compiler :
cd jack; make 
Create an empty directory structure using
mkdir -p hello/lib 
Save the text source code in a file named `hello/Main.jack` using your favorite plain text editor. Copy the JackOS and the C run-time from the public domain jack compiler source code :
cp -r lib/std/ hello/lib/std; cp -r lib/c/ hello/lib/c/ 
Translate it to C using
./ -hack hello
Make an executable using
cc -o hello.c -lX11 -lGL -lGLU 
Run it

3. Specification

3.1 Structure of a program

A Jack program is composed of one or more files that each describe a single class. Each class is compiled separately then they are all linked to create a single executable file.
A class name begins with a capital letter and is saved in a text file with the same name with the `.jack` extension appended.
All the `.jack` files for a project are located in a single source directory, possibly with sub-directories.
A class name, variable name or subroutine name (identifiers) always begin with a letter or a `_` and next is composed of letters, `_` or digits.
The identifiers are case sensitive.
`Name.jack` :
/** class definition */

class Name { // Name is the name of the class

static int static_variable_name; // static or field declarations
field int field_variable_name; // in any order, type or quantity
static char static_variable_name2;
field char field_variable_name2;
static boolean static_variable_name3;
field boolean field_variable_name3;
static Name static_variable_name4;
field Name field_variable_name4;
// ...

/* subroutines declarations */
// method, constructor or function in any order and quantity

// a constructor always returns an object of type of its class.
// subroutines can have any quantity of parametres.
constuctor Name constructorName(int parameter1, String parameter2) {
var int local_variable_name; // local variable in any type
var Array local_variable_name2; // or quantity
// ...

// statements
let local_variable_name2 = null;

return this;

// a function doesn't have the `this` object
function int functionName(char parameter1) {
var int local_variable_name;
var Name object;
var boolean condition;
// ...

// statements
let condition = false;
if (~condition) {
let local_variable_name = 1 + 2;
} else {
let local_variable_name = 1 * 2;

let object = Name.constructorName(1, "Hello");
do object.methodName(true,;
do object.dispose();

return 0;

// a method has an object `this` of its class
method void methodName(boolean parameter1, Array parameter2) {
var int local_variable_name;
var boolean condition, local_var_2, local_var_3;
var Name an_object;

// ...

// statements
let an_object = this;
let condition = true;
let local_variable_name = 3 & 1;

while (condition) {

do Name.functionName(65);
do methodName(false, null);

let parameter2[0] = 7 - 1;
if (local_variable_name > 0) {
let parameter2[1] = 7 - (3 / 2);
if (local_variable_name > 0) {
let parameter2[1] = 1 | 2;
if (local_variable_name = 0) {
let condition = ~condition;

3.2 Variables

`static` kind variables are living during all the program execution and have a class scope.
`field` kind variables have the life of an object have an object scope.
`var` kind variables and parameter variables have the life of subroutine execution and a scope of the local subroutine.
Every kind of variable is accessed only by its identifier. You don not need to add class identifier for static variable. And you cannot access fields of object. If you need to access field, you need to write getter and setter.
Each variable has a type that can be a primitive or a object type of a class.
The primitives types are `int` 2's complement integer, `boolean` that can be `true` or `false`, and `char` an UTF-16 Unicode character.
A constant can be assigned to a variable.
Integer constant are always positive. The unary minus `-` is used to get negative numbers.
There is only decimal constant. No hex, octal or character constants.
On 16bit platforms the biggest integer constant is 32767, on 32bit 2147483647, on 64bit 9223372036854775807. To get the most negative number you must use these biggest constants and add `1` to them.
String constant are beginning and ending with `"` and can't contain `"` or newline (ascii character 10 in decimal). There is no escape sequences (`\n \\ \t \"` are not producing the same result as in other programming languages).
The `null` constant is a null reference to an object (equivalent to `0` or `false`).
Boolean `true` is `-1` and `false` is `0`.
Variables are weakly typed you can assign any type of variable to any type of other.
That code is perfectly valid:
var int variable;
var Array arr;
let variable = 2000;
let arr = variable;
let arr[1] = 3; // now memory located at address 2001 contains the value 3

3.3 Subroutines

`constructor` are automatically allocating the memory for an object of type of their class. Inside the constructor `this` is a reference to the current newly created object. A constructor must end with `return this;` statement and its return type must be the one of its class.
Constructors are called using the

The `dispose()` method is generally used in counterpart of constructors to
free memory used by the object.

function` subroutines are called using the
syntax. `method` subroutines are called using the
Methods have the `this` reference to the current object of type of their class. The last statement of subroutines is always a `return` statement.
Note that the compiler has no way to find the return type of a subroutine which is not inside its class scope. So in fact `void` subroutines return `0`.

3.4 Statements

`let` syntax is
`do` syntax is
`if` syntax is
if (expression) {
statements; // executed when expression evaluates to true
} else {
statements; // executed when expression evaluates to false
The `else { statements; }` is an optional clause. `while` syntax is
while (expression) {
statements; // executed in loop until expression evaluates to false
`return` syntax is
or ```return;``` for `void` subroutines.

### 3.5 Expressions

An expression can be:

- A constant (`1234` or `"Hello World"` or `true`/`false` or `null`)
- A variable name
- The `this` keyword
- A `variable_name[expression]`
- A subroutine call
- A `~expression` // bit-wise Boolean INVERT on int and logical NOT on others
- A `-expression` // unary minus
- A `(expression)` // expression enclosed in parenthesis
- Or :
expression + expression // integer addition expression - expression // integer 2's complement subtraction expression * expression // integer multiplication expression / expression // integer division expression & expression // bit-wise AND on int and logical AND on others expression | expression // bit-wise OR on int and logical OR on others expression > expression // is greater than expression = expression // is equal expression < expression // is less than

There is no priority of operators. You must always enclose sub-expressions
in parenthesis. Result of `let variable = 2 * 4 + 5;` is undetermined,
you must use `let variable = (2 * 4) + 5;`.


//` is introducing a single line comment, the text after `//` is
ignored till the end of line.

/*` is introducing a multi line is comment, the text after `/*` is
ignored till `*/` is encountered.

Special `/**` is introducing an API documentation comment.

Extension `/*#` is introducing an inline assembly source code and runs till
#*/` is encountered. `/*#` is followed by one to four characters that
indicate the type of target assembly language.

Extension `//#` acts the same as `/*#` except it is single line.

WARNING: These extensions are only supported by the
public domain jack compiler described in this document.

### 3.7 Callback extension

The `callback` keyword extension allows to call a method referenced
by an object. It is useful for creating generic algorithms independent
of types.

WARNING: This extension is only supported by the
public domain jack compiler described in this document.
Do not use it for the original Hack platform.

This extension is a cheap replacement for `virtual` C++ functions and
Java non-static, non-final, non-private methods.

The syntax is:
class MyCallback { // the class must begin with a `int` field named "callback" field int callback; // There can be only one callback per class. // the callback is called by invoke() // it must return int and have two int parameters method int callback(int a, int b) { // do something with a and b. // a and b can be assigned to variable of a class type // to do something useful by calling then a method. var Array array; let array = a; if (array) { do array.dispose(); } return 0; }
constructor MyCallback new() { // the compiler automatically assigns the callback method to the // callback field of the object return this; }
method void dispose() { do Memory.deAlloc(this); return; } method int invoke(int a, int b) { return callback(a, b); // the magic is here. // it calls the callback referred // by the callback field in // the `this` reference } }

class MyOtherCallback { field int callback; constructor MyOtherCallback new() { return this; } method int callback(int a, int b) { return 0; // do nothing } // we dont need the invoke and dispose methods since we // never use them in this class }

class Main { function void Main() { var MyCallback cb; let cb =; do cb.invoke(0, 0); // calls MyCallback.callback() do cb.dispose(); let cb =; do cb.invoke(0, 0); // calls MyOtherCallback.callback() // without the extension it would have // called MyCallback.callback() again do cb.dispose(); return; } }

## 4. Classes

### 4.1. Math

See the [book][8].

### 4.2. String

See the [book][8].

### 4.3. Array

See the [book][8].

### 4.4. Output

See the [book][8].

### 4.5. Screen

Screen resolution is 512 x 256 pixels.

The screen memory starts at memory location 16384 and ends at 24575.

Pixels are single bit black and white packed in 16bit words.
There is 32 16bit words by line of screen.

See the [book][8] for more.

### 4.6. Keyboard

The current pressed key Unicode value is located at memory address 24576.

There is special key values:
- Newline is 128.
- Backspace is 129
- left arrow is 130
- up arrow is 131
- right arrow is 132
- down arrow is 133


See the [book][8] for more.

### 4.7. Memory

See the [book][8].

### 4.8. Sys

See the [book][8].

### 4.9. File

Manage files and directories.

constructor File new(String path, boolean writing) path: path of the file or directory. writing: true if you want write to the file. return: an object of type File. method String getName() return: the path.
method boolean isdir() return: true if path is a directory.
method boolean open() return: true if the file has been successfuly opened.
method int readByte() return: a single byte read from the file or -1 if the end of file has been reached. method String readLine(String buffer) return: a line from the file or `null` if end of file has been reached.
method int seek(int position) Move the current byte position in the file for writing or reading. return: position if successful.
method int writeByte(int data) return: 1 if a single byte "data" has been writen to the file.
method int writeString(String s) return: the length of the "s" String successfuly writen to the file.
method boolean remove() return: true if the file or directory has been deleted.
method boolean mkdir() return: true if the directory has been created successfuly.
method Buffer list() return: a Buffer containing the list of files or directories in the "path" directory.

Usage :
var Buffer dir; var File file; var int i, c; var String d; let file ="./", false); let dir = File.list(); if (~dir) { return; } let i = 0; while (i < dir.getSize()) { let d = dir.getAt(i); do Output.printString(d); do Output.println(); do d.dispose(); let i = i + 1; } do dir.dispose(); do file.dispose();
let file ="hello.txt", true); do file.writeString("Hello World!"); do file.writeByte(10); // newline do file.dispose();
let file ="hello.txt", false); let c = file.readByte(); while (c > 0) { do Output.printChar(c); let c = file.readByte(); } do file.dispose(); let file ="hello.txt", false); do file.remove(); do file.dispose();

### 4.10. Buffer

An Array that grows automatically.

constructor Buffer new(int initial, Callback dispose_cb) initial: preallocated size of the internal Array. dispose_cb: a Callback to free elements when the Buffer is disposed or "null" if the elements don't need to be unallocated. return: a Buffer object with preallocated "initial" elements space. method Array getAt(int index) return : the element at postion "index".
method int append(Array data) return: the index of the element "data" appended to the internal Array.
method int getSize() return : the number of elements in the buffer.

## 5. Grammar

keyword: one of class constructor function method callback field static var int char boolean void true false null this let do if else while return symbol: one of { } ( ) [ ] . , ; + - * / & | < > = ~
digit: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
letter: one of a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
integerConstant: digit digit_opt
stringConstant: " unicodeExceptNewlineAndDoublequote_opt "
letterOrUnderscore: _ letter
digitOrLetterOrUnderscore: letterOrUnderscore digit
identifier: letterOrUnderscore digitOrLetterOrUnderscore_opt
classDec: class className { classVarDecList_opt subroutineDecList_opt }
varNameList: varName varNameList, varName
classVarKind: static field
classVarDecList: classVarDec classVarDecList classVarDec
classVarDec: classVarKind type varNameList ; field int callback ;
type: int char boolean className
subroutineKind: constructor function method
subroutineType: type void
subroutineDecList: subroutineDec subroutineDecList subroutineDec
subroutineDec: subroutineKind subroutineType subroutineName ( parameterList_opt ) subroutineBody
parameterList: type varName parameterList, type varName
subroutineBody: { varDecList_opt statements }
varDecList: varDec varDecList varDec
varDec: var type varNameList ;
varNameList: varName varNameList , varName
className: identifier
subroutineName: identifier callback
varName: identifier
statements: statement statements statement
statement: letStatement ifStatement whileStatement doSatement returnStatement
letStatement: let varName indexExpression_opt = expression ;
indexExpression: [ expression ]
ifStatement: if ( expression ) { statements } elseStatement_opt
elseStatement: else { statements }
whileStatement: while ( expression ) { statements }
doStatement: do subroutineCall ;
returnStatement: return expression_opt; return callbackCall;
expression: term expression op term
term: integerConstant stringConstant keywordConstant varName indexExpression_opt subroutineCall ( expression ) unaryOp term
varOrClassName: className varName
subroutineCall: subroutineName ( expressionList_opt ) varOrClassName . subroutineName ( expressionList_opt )
callbackCall: callback ( expression , expression )
expressionList: expression expressionList , expression
op: one of + - * / & | < > =
unaryOp: one of - ~
keywordConstant: true false null this

